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Living With Addiction:

What No One

Ever Told Me

No one intends to become an addict. You don’t wake up one morning and decide, “Hey, today seems like a perfect day to neglect my internal needs and crank up the dial on impulsivity”.It is far more insidious than that.


6 Healthy Boundaries For Any Recovering People Pleaser

Boundaries are deeply personal. They are shaped by our gender, our identities, our cultures, our lived experience, our attachment styles, and family dynamics. My goal is to help you identify the basics: what types of boundaries exist, and ways to challenge yourself so that you can avoid going down the destructive path of self-betrayal.

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How the Dunning-Kruger Effect Undermines Today's Leadership

We elect leaders who cannot objectively evaluate their own incompetence. Sound familiar? Then, we reward their cognitive distortions by circulating 24-hour news reels, memes, and gifs via social media — leading to further distortions. The reality is, we see this effect amplified throughout COVID-19 along with the complete dismissal of current events.


4 Ways to Write Concisely

We all want to tell a compelling story- whether its submitting a college application, drafting an essay, or writing a blog post. Regardless of the medium, the trick to writing clearly is to eliminate the guesswork for the reader, by getting straight to the point. That can be achieved by applying the following four tips.

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