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Eco-Friendly Gift Guide

Hello there guys and gals, if you are anything like me, you like giving gifts to people. For some reason I find it almost a unique challenge to find stuff that my friends and loved ones like- CHALLENGE ALWAYS ACCEPTED. Over the years however, I have realized that it can be borderline overkill, despite how much thought may be behind it.

Whilst on my decluttering journey, and my efforts to become a more conscious consumer, I have come to discover that it is best to gift experiences as opposed to adding clutter to other people's lives. I mean don't get me wrong, I think many people might appreciate a tangible gift, so it gave me an idea to come up with an eco-friendly gift guide that doesn't concentrate strictly on consumerism, but will hopefully add an element of joy and practicality to people's daily lives.

Also, don't pull a 7 year old Chantal mistake and wrap up used soap in wrapping paper and give it to your parents as a present. When I was a kid, I would go into my shower and take the used soap (NOT even new soap) and would take it in all of its slimy glory and wrap it up because I wanted to give my parents something. They were mildly amused by this. Just live vicariously through my mistakes people...that's what I am here for.

The following is a list of ideas that may (or may not) help you this holiday season. I have divided it into experiential gifts, tangible gifts, along with tangible [practical gifts].

Also, be sure to comment your favourite down below :) or tag my on Instagtam @chantalmarutoblog as I want to see your creations!

Give an Experiential Gift!

As I alluded to earlier, I believe that experiences are the best kind of gifts to give. Whether it is going out for a nice meal or cooking them a meal, baking them a cake, seeing a show, or any sort of activity - those are going to be the things we remember, not the 17th pair of sneakers they may own. Call me old el cheapo, but I like turning to Groupon for these sorts of things. If you narrow it down to the location you are residing, you can check out local activities (e.g. biking tours, rock-climbing, paintball) that you can do together with that person or perhaps gift it for them and a significant other.


Baked Goods

Just because it is not possible to give a gift to every single person you know, I think its nice to bake treats and share within your immediate environment, the place you work, or even if you are going to someone's house. This may require prep time, but it's really sweet -pun intended. Also it helps to put your baked goods in a mason jar, or glass of some sort, or even some type of bio-degradable material as opposed to creating excess packaging.

Essential Oils

Ok so I get this is totally biased on my part, but this is because essential oils have the most varied purpose as I have stated in previous posts. I think if you were to bundle together some essential oils for someone that would appreciate it, it would make a lovely gift. You can even get creative with the scents. For example Eucalyptus, Frankincense and Lavender are used for relaxation purposes, whereas jasmine oil for instance has a stimulating effect by increasing alertness. I find it makes a nice pampering gift that is also practical and you can tailor it to being personal, depending on how well you know the person. Also along the same lines, if you know someone who loves essential oils, an essential oil diffuser might also make a really neat gift as well.


Plants honestly add so much life to any space you are living or working in. Not only do they help purify the air, but they can be quite aesthetically pleasing. You can get some plants that are relatively inexpensive or some that are just ridiculously overpriced. I would recommend going to a Canadian Tire or Home Depot, or even Loblaws to get some plants and make your own assortment, for example making your own mason jar succulents. DIY project coming soon!

A Unique Subscription

Subscriptions have become huge in our digital world. This doesn't mean you need to give out a monthly subscription to the New York Times, but something you know the person would really enjoy. Offer to pay for their gym membership if they go to the gym regularly, or their Spotify subscription if they use Spotify premium, or perhaps a subscription with Audible if they like listening to audiobooks. You would be surprised how appreciative some people are when you do this.

A Photo Collage

For my close friends and family members, I love making collages or taking a photo and framing it for them. I think it is such a simple but yet personal gift that can really be given to anyone close to you, no matter what age. Whether its for a younger cousin, a close friend, or your parents, it represents a tangible memory with that individual.

A Gift Basket

If you really want to up the ante, I think a gift basket makes for a very personalized gift. I am not talking about those pre-made ones in department stores, I am talking about creating your own and filling it with inside jokes and memories you hold with someone. You can get really creative with it too, which can be fun when searching for what to put in it. I am also not advocating for you to buy a whole bunch of useless stuff, but stuff that may serve a purpose in that person's life. I like to add a combination of edible things (e.g. an assortment of tea and chocolates) along with a book, some photographs and a soy candle. Those are just some examples.


A Mug/ Tumblr

A mug is so simple, practical and can be personal depending on what is on it. I like to go to Winners/HomeSense for these types of things, but also there are no shortage of mug shops with really funny, creative designs. Whether it has a sarcastic saying on it, or has a personalized picture on it, it makes for a pragmatic but personal gift.

Portable Phone Charger

Talk about a living a millennial life. I cannot even tell you how many times my phone has died and it felt like the end of the world. Dramatic? I think so. But seriously, reusable phone chargers are a lifesaver and I feel like anyone could make use of it. Depending on what phone you have you can even purchase these from the dollar store, but I would not recommend that. I bought one from Best Buy a couple of years ago for about $20 and it is still in great shape. Its not the fanciest of gifts, but you know people will get a good use out of it.

A Cordless Drill

A bit more on the pricier side, but so many varied uses for this. Whether its replacing a screwdriver, doubling as a saw, if you need to install drywall, drilling in pilot holes - you will get your money's worth. You don't need to be an expert, but there are so many tutorials and DIY projects that can really help with the use of a cordless drill, which makes for a great gift for anyone!

Nest Learning Thermostat

If you think about it, your thermostat controls your energy bill. Yes, electronics and appliances play a big role, but do not downplay the role of your thermostat. This thermostat in particular is energy star certified which is pretty neat. What's interesting is the thermostat connects to your phone and programs itself- so it learns what temperatures you like, but also automatically turns itself down automatically. This again is on the pricier side, but again you know you will use it everyday.

A Pair of Headphones/Earphones

I am genuinely embarrassed about the amount of headphones I go through because somehow I am a headphone destroyer - or my phone is, anything to diffuse the blame. I think a pair of headphones which can vary, being relatively inexpensive from Shoppers Drug Mart to really pricey headphones like beats by Dre, are extremely practical but make a good gift, as sometimes these are the types of items people may not like buying for themselves.

Be sure to let me know what gifts you will be giving away this season in the comments :)

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