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What to Wear to an Interview

As a young professional, I have gone on my fair share of interviews and have felt quite the deal of pressure when it comes to deciding on what to wear. Obviously it helps to be prepared for the actual interview itself, but when you feel confident in what you are wearing, it will give you an added boost in the confidence department. I have found that in the past I have either gone down the route of trying too hard to look a certain way or I was just uncomfortable in the given outfit because it was simply not my style. Now that I have curated my own unique style and know what I like and what suits me, it has helped me substantially in what to wear when going on interviews.

Obviously depending on the job you are going for will determine what is appropriate and what is not, but as a rule of thumb, it is always best to wear whatever you feel most confident in. Girl, if that means wearing a leopard print bikini, than perhaps use your judgement on that one.

I decided I would put together some outfits that I think would make you look put-together even if you are currently living at your parents house, eating Kraft Dinner and feel as though your life is complete and utter chaos- I hear you. No judgement here.

Also this is not limited to solely interviews, I think these are outfits that could work on any day of the week. I am planning on making a series that caters to work outfit ideas that vary upon the industry you are in (whether it is a more artsy/creative field, or an office job where you have a particular dress-code). More on that later.

*Photos taken by Jordan W. Check out his fashion editorials at:

This outfit is so simple but smart. The trick here is using plain looking pieces but finding pieces that add dimension and structure. A plain black turtle neck is so versatile, you can honestly pair it with so many pieces in your wardrobe, and could also be a casual item too. I have also been able to dress down these pants by swapping out the belt and wearing sneakers and rolling up the pants. This jacket as ya'll know is a staple in my wardrobe along with these black boots.

For the sake of this photo I was wearing the jacket, but if you are indoors a black blazer would suffice. Or even no blazer at all.

To take it step further, I reckon putting your hair in a sleek ponytail or bun would look pretty bad-ass.

Trenchcoat: Club Monaco

Turtle Neck: Value Village

Trousers: Value Village (Anne Klein)

Belt: Value Village (Club Monaco)

Boots: Alfred Sung

Watch: Fossil

The next outfit would work well in a creative field, but I think most could get by if they are in an office environment. If you are ever looking to fool people, put on a pair of culottes and throw an overcoat on top and you automatically look effortlessly chic. The thing about this outfit is it is so comfortable because the pants are loose and flowy, the sweater is oversized, but when tucked in looks more put-together. The overcoat just gives the look some structure and works with the given silhouette. I added the neck scarf for personal touch because its soooo me.

I reckon you can swap out the shoes for ankle boots or pumps, but I liked the look of these shoes with the length of the culottes. ​

*Photos by Irene Dominigues. Check out her Instagram account at:

Grey overcoat: Club Monaco

Sweater: Value Village

Cullotes: Aritzia

Neck Scarf: Zara

Shoes: Sirens

Watch: Fossil

Earrings: Indigenous jewellery maker based in Ottawa

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